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*TLSC Ganderbal Organises Legal Awareness Programme on Free Legal aid and Eligibility, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
Mediation, Pre-institution Mediation & Settlement Arbitration and other non-litigious methods and Objectives of Lok Adalat* Tehsil Legal Services Committee, Ganderbal in Coordination with National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), Ganderbal organized Legal Awareness programme on Free Legal aid and Eligibility, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Mediation, Pre-institution Mediation & Settlement Arbitration and other non-litigious methods and Objectives of Lok Adalat at V.O, NRLM, Batwina, Ganderbal, on 28-02-2024. The programme was held under the guidance of Ms. Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary District legal Services Authority, Ganderbal and under the Chairmanship of Mr. Mohammad Waseem Mirza, Chairman Tehsil Legal Services Committee, Ganderbal. On the occasion, Recourse Person Advocate Sumaya Salam, made participants aware about ADR Mechanism and various facilities available at ADR Centre to disputing parties for amicable settlement through Lok Adalats, Pre Institution Litigation, Mediation, Reconciliation etc. She informed the participants regarding different objectives and importance of Lok Adalat, such as providing cost effective and speedy justice. She threw light upon the usefulness of ADR Mechanism in settling disputes of different nature and how it saves money and precious time of the general public and also lowers the burden of courts. She apprised the participants that they can approach concerned DLSA/TLSC for pre institution or pre litigation settlement of their cases through ADR Mechanism and if any case is pending before the honorable court for long time, except Non compoundable they can approach concerned court for referring their case for mediation.The Program was attended by PLVs of TLSC Ganderbal and women of Self help group, etc.
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