On June 26, Jammu and Kashmirgovernment shifted an IAS officer toNew Delhi after a member of rulingPDP Javaid Mustafa Mir revealed inthe Assembly that the officerhad attemptedself-harm last week.The officerwas transferred andposted as additional resident commissionerand ex-officio secretary, residentcommissioner, New Delhi, saidan officerhandout. The decision wastaken during a cabinet meeting whichwas chaired by Chief Minister MehboobaMufti.
Attempted Suicide?
Mir, to the surprise of the membersof the Assembly, said on June 25 thatthe IAS official, who was holding theposition of Deputy Commissioner, had”attempted suicide”, stating the officerwasin charge of a sensitive district.Mir had also demanded immediatetransfer of the official. Respondingto his demands the deputy speaker ofthe Assembly Nazir Gurezi asked thegovernment that it shouldn’t post anysuch officer at any sensitive post.While the news spread like fire,particularly after it was raised in theHouse, the police have maintainedcomplete silence over it.A senior police said “something” hadhappened at the officerresidence of theofficial.“But we don’t know what had happenedthere. It is too personal a matter.
At the same time there is no complaintagainst anyone and no one hasfiled a complaint,” the police officersaid.The incident was reported by a localdaily in its June 25 edition, statingthat the officerhad attempted the suicidesometimes early in the last weekand the officerwould have certainlydied if the doctor on duty in the hospitalwhere she was rushed to had notbeen a surgeon.On the fateful day, soon after theoffice hours the officerwas joined byanother IAS officerat the officerresidence.After some time the visiting officerhadleft visibly upset and the domestichelp had, sometime later, foundthe officerlying semi conscious withblood flowing from the wrists.That is when the officerwas rushedto the nearby government hospital forthe treatment.‘Shift the other IAS official’On Monday (June 27) when theHouse met again, the PDP MLA raisedthe issue again questioning the governmentover non-action against the2nd IAS officerwho had visited hiscolleague, the one who had attemptedthe suicide.
Mir asked the Government to actagainst the other official.“In one case, justice has been done.What about the other officerwho headsthe department wherefrom we all havestudied?” Mir asked, asking the Governmentto inform the House whetherit had registered an FIR into the case.Taking strong not of the issue, theDeputy Speaker Nazir Gurezi directedthe Government to shift the IAS officerwhosename surfaced in an ‘attemptto suicide’ case of another IAS officer.“Transfer the officer immediately andallot him an insensitive post,” Gurezidirected the Government. “Such anofficercan’t be allowed to head the departmentwhere 50 percent of the staffcomprises of womenfolk.”