Till date out of the 8,935 graftrelated complaints pertainingto the senior officials ofthe various government department,Vigilance Organisation has taken actionagainst mere 37, leaving peoplefume over the sorry state of affairs inJammu and Kashmir.The figures coming to fore whilesending shock waves across hasproved the claims of the helmsmenin the state farce over making Jammuand Kashmir a state free of corruption.Reports informed that the ChiefVigilance Commissioner, KuldeepKhoda met Governor NN Vohra recentlyand informed him about theslow pace of investigations in thegraft related cases in the state due tothe non- cooperation of various governmentdepartment and teh scarcityof the staff-looming large in the Vigilancedepartment.
Till 31st March 2016, the Vigilance Commission, as per reports, has received 3,697 complaints out of which 3,271 have been disposed off. Out of these, 109 cases have been registered against officers whom charges were established after enquiry by the Commission.
Reports inform further that thoughthe Vigilance sent the details of thecorruption cases to the respectiveparent departments of the officials,there has been no action taken so farwith corrupt officials roaming freewith no fear of punishment.Till 31st March 2016, the VigilanceCommission, as per reports, has received3,697 complaints out of which3,271 have been disposed off. Ofthese, 109 cases have been registeredagainst officers against whom chargeswere established after enquiry by theCommission.
By the creation of the State VigilanceCommission (SVC), the previousNC-Congress governmentclaimed to have brought public servantsin its domain. But at the sametime it had restrained the SAC to lookinto complaints against the publicservants. While 2011 was spent bythe government for making necessaryamendments in the SVC Act, theCommission couldn’t be constitutedin 2012 owing to queries from RajBhavan over the name recommendedby the panel headed by Chief MinisterOmar Abdullah for the post of ChiefVigilance Commissioner.
By the creation of the State Vigilance Commission (SVC), the previous NC-Congress government claimed to have brought public servants in its domain. But at the same time it had restrained the SAC to look into complaints against the public servants.
Meanwhile, after a detailed meetingwith the CVC Kuldeep Khoda, GovernorVohra expressed serious concernover the snail’s pace of investigationsgoing on against the corruption cases.The Governor, as per the reports, ismeeting the chief minister MehboobaMufti this month ti rake up the issuerelated to the dilatory system in accordingpunishment to the corruptofficials.Further, sources said that the vigilancedepartment has appraised thegovernment about the inadequatestaff strength in the anti- graft body,asking for the measures to strengthenthe organisation for ensuring thetransparent and corruption free administrationin the state.
“We have asked the government to issue a strictorder to all the departments to cooperatewith the investigations relatedto corruption. Till date we haveseen the departments not providingenough assistance in bringing corrupt to the book,” said a Vigilance official,adding that a serious development inthis regard shall be witnessed soon.