At a time when the crusade against the corruptionis being launched by the state dispensation,voices of concern are being heard aboutthe veracity of the complaints being made anonymouslyin state’s anti- graft bodies.The officials of the various departments havewritten to the higher authorities- asking that only thatcompliant related to the corruption should be entertainedwhich has the proper address and the name ofthe complainant mentioned.
The officials of the variousgovernment departments have maintained thatdue to the personal rivalry and grudges, pseudo graftrelated complaints are often made in the vigilancedepartment and the energies are being wasted oversuch exercises which at the end of the day turn outto be mere hoax.
The officials through the variousrepresentations have been striving to reach out to the Governor NN Vohra, submitting that ‘anonymouscomplaints may kindly be given the wide berth byhis august office’. There are also the concerns beingexpressed at large that the officials in the anti- graftbodies are being taken for a ride by certain ‘notorious’persons who often make the baseless complaintsanonymously against those they have personal vendetta.
The need of the hour is that only those graftrelated complaints be registered which have a propername and address so that the public money may notbe wasted over the futile exercises as witnessed inthe past.
Editor in Chief